Influência da localização da fertirrigação nos teores de macronutrientes do cafeeiro

Barcellos, Ronildo (2021)


The cultivation of conilon coffee Pierre ex Froehner) is the main activity of Espírito Santo agribusiness, which is emerging as the largest national producer of this species. Especially in the state of Espírito Santo, the cultivation of conilon coffee predominantly occupies areas where water deficit is a limiting factor for plant development and production. The research project was developed in a rural property next to the Federal Institute of Espírito Santo - campus Santa Teresa, in the District of São João de Petrópolis, Santa Teresa-ES. Two different genetic materials were used, the P1 and LB1 clones of Coffea canephora, from the conilon group. The experimental design used was a randomized block design, in a 2 × 3 factorial scheme, the first factor being the different genetic materials (clones P1 and LB1) and the second factor the position of fertigation (above the planting line, below the planting line). planting and on both sides), with four replications, totaling 24 experimental units. Subsequently, the nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg) and sulfur (S) contents were determined. The results obtained show that the clones evaluated present, under the same management conditions, variations in the levels of macronutrients in the diagnostic leaves. Clone LB1 had higher levels of N, P, Ca, Mg and S, while the concentration of K was higher in clone P1. The increase in the volume of fertigated soil favored the acquisition of N and P by conilon coffee. Irrigation management can contribute to the nutrition of the coffee tree, dispensing with increased fertilizer application.
